Hora Muhurta
The following Hora Muhurta are shown for the date 12/18/2024, Pune. These Panchang calculations are based on Drik Ganit i.e. current sidereal positions of planets in the sky. The Ayanamsha used is Lahiri or Chitrapakshiya. The current day sunrise is taken as the time to calculate planet positions and accordingly other drika panchang calculations.
Day Hora | |
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Night Hora | |
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Hora Muhurta
The following Hora Muhurta are shown for the date 12/18/2024, Pune. These Panchang calculations are based on Drik Ganit i.e. current sidereal positions of planets in the sky. The Ayanamsha used is Lahiri or Chitrapakshiya. The current day sunrise is taken as the time to calculate planet positions and accordingly other drika panchang calculations.
Day Hora | |
Hora | Time |
Night Hora | |
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